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Footwork Drills

Here is a variety of videos demonstrating the Footwork Drill. Practice them one at a time and if you can print out the learning material for the Footwork Drill as well then this is useful to have beside you as you train. Don’t forget to send us your student training videos and we can give you our comments on your progress.

No. 1 – Stationary Circle Step

No. 2 – 45 Degree Shift

No. 3 – Circle Step

No. 4 – 90 Degree Turn

No. 5 – Side Step

No. 6 – 90 Degree Turn/2 Arrow Steps

No. 7 – Side Step/45 Degree Shift

No. 8 – Parallel Lines

Pivot Step and Training Drill

Pivot Step

Pivot Step Training Drill

90 Degree Turn / 2 Arrow Steps / Front Kick Drill

Training Drills For Improving Your Footwork

Shifting Stance

Shifting Stance – Progression

Improve By Leading With The Knee

Improve Balance And Lift The Leg

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