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Hand Positions and Shape Drills

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Here are some training videos from Master Paul Hawkes of your basic hand positions and some shape drills for you to practice to at home. For more the more advanced students you can progress to training your shape drills by adding the shifting position as you apply the techniques. All shape drills are perfect for solo training.

We recommend that you watch one, then practice a few times until you are confident with the techniques before moving onto another one. It’s tempting to watch as many as you can to get as much information in a short space of time. But remember PERSEVERANCE and repetitive PRACTICE is key.

Paying Respect

Paying Respect – Fingers Upright

Paying Respect – Fingers Over The Fist

Basic Hand Positions And Shape Drills

Guard Position

Tan Sau / Punch – Neutral Stance

Guan Sau / Punch – Neutral Stance

Pak Sau / Punch – Neutral Stance

High Pak Sau / Punch – Neutral Stance

All 4 Techniques – Neutral Stance

Shape Drills Progession With Shifting Position

Shifting Position

Tan Sau / Punch / Shift

Guan Sau / Punch / Shift

Pak Sau / Punch / Shift

High Pak Sau / Punch / Shift

All 4 Techniques / Shift

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